Tuesday, January 3, 2006


An idea, a thought, an slight instance of brilliance in my otherwise average mind. LifeVesting to me has been more than an “A.” It has been more than a T-shirt, or a campaign or even a book (an excellent book). To me LifeVesting has been more than the dividends that have been a result of it. When you take away all of it you are left with simply one thing, a concept. At one point in time the idea of flight was just a concept, to some freedom has been a concept, life itself at one point was just a concept. But at what point does the concept of light illuminate a room. Not when it is merely a concept, not even when you tell it to others, not even when it is thought over and planned. Imagine if Thomas Edison would have said, “I have this great idea called the ‘light bulb’ and if this idea works it can light up houses at night or even whole cities. Yeah the light bulb is the greatest idea ever.” What good would that idea have been to me an you if we were still reading by candle today? It is a good thing that Edison relentlessly tried and tried again until he created the first light bulb. The light bulb…at one point just a concept.

I must admit my initial thoughts of LifeVesting were of selfish origin. A result of to many self help tapes teaching me how to be a self made millionaire by the age of 25. It was a concept of living my life by the laws of investment making my entire life an investment. But the idea soon turned from one of investing my life for me to investing my life in you. I never intended for my concept to become a campaign or a book but where I stopped short with an idea someone else through relentless work turned into a light bulb.

If I was asked who has invested in my life the most I would without a doubt tell you my parents. You see the concept of LifeVesting though comprised of recent date has actually been part of my life for 20+ years. For me my parents of been LifeVestors since before I was born. If you (and you should) have read or are going to read the book you will never hear my father mention his countless trips all over town carting his children to our multiple events, you will never hear mention of my mother always guy our favorite snacks at the grocery store. The book will never tell you about the many sacrifices my parents made so that as kids we could have the things that we wanted, but these are the small things that made my life just that much more comfortable even though it wasn’t a necessity for me. These little investments are things that I can never repay because I will never be able to afford the return rate of the love they have given me.

LifeVesting has become more than just a concept to me. It is the things that have made the difference in my life. There are so many things we can and need to do in order to be LifeVestors, if you want to know those I can recommend a good book to you, but the greatest LifeVestments we make are the little things we say and do for others that sometimes go unnoticed even by ourselves.

My Thoughts: Dad...Thanks for the Light Bulb it has helped bring light and will continue to bring light for many people

Copyright 2011 The extraordinary of any idle day. All rights reserved.