Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Extraordinary of Any Idle Day

One of my favorite things about my blog is the name, "The Extraordinary of Any Idle Day." Out of the title, I really enjoy to think about the phrase, "any idle day." It is something that implies ordinary. There is nothing special about any idle day. A movie that I really enjoyed was the movie Stranger than Fiction, starting Will Ferrell. In this movie Ferrell plays the character Harold Crick. You see Harold leads quite a routine lifestyle, he is awoken each morning by his Timex T56371 watch, eats alone, counts the number of steps he walks for fun, focuses on ways to save time tying his tie, and brushes his teeth exactly 76 times (38 vertical strokes, 38 horizontal). He does the same work and does not leave his routine. Harold lives an idle life, with no excitement and no changes. In the movie Harold's life gets turned upside down and he begins to experience change in his routine. But life is not a movie. While in the movie, Harold Crick changes who he is because of the event that occur to him throughout the plot line, in real life those changes seldom come. When we do experience changes in our everyday routine, the changes that are made lead to new routines. For most people in this world our everyday norm is idle.

What we fail to realize is that laced in the normalicy of our lives are traces of something that keeps the world spinning. Action, adventure, love stories, tradgedy, fear, humor, sadness, theses are the things that make our everyday idle lives extraordinary. These are the things that makes us exactly who we are.
It isn't our routines or life styles but our lives that are extraordinary. "Everyday extraordinary," are the things I want to think about, write about, and remember when I look back and ask myself what I was doing in 2007. I will easily remember where I worked and lived, the idle things about my life but what I want to enjoy when I am old and looking back on my life isn't the idle it is that on some random Sunday I forgot my wallet twice in one day. That is the extraordinary of any idle day.
  • They are the things that make us cry because we didn't know it could hurt so much.
  • They are the things that make us fear because we don't know what the future will look like.
  • They are the things that we marvel at the adventures we take.
  • They are the things that make us giddy because we never thought a kiss could taste so good.
  • They are the things that make our sides hurt because we never thought we could laugh so hard.
They are the things that make us feel more than idle.

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