For everyone who read my xanga over the last few days and saw my diffrent views on life...sorry today there is only one.
I was driving today talking to my mother on my cell phone and telling her about how stressed i was about school and not getting stuff in on time and having my classes dropped and really just ranting and raving about how stressed i was about stuff and pritty much having a pity party with myself being the guest of honor when my mom said to me...
Son do you not have faith that God takes care of things in his own timing. All you have to do is trust in him.
Ya know it wasn't one of those "AH-HA!" revelation type things but more of one of those DUH type things that makes you feel stupid because you knew better. The thing is i can remember saying almost that exact same thing to someone just a few days ago. So after my "Duh" experience today i decided that life just wasn't worth being stressed out about right now. When God cuts things close and to the wire it only shows you to trust him more...besides life is more exciting with a photo finish. Thanks Mom!
My Thoughts: Life...take for granted, Death...not respected enough, Soulution...take risks